The ONE Thing That Changes Everything


Paul Dunay
Executive/Leadership Coach

What if you could change ONE thing and that made the difference between just getting through the day at work or loving your job and crushing goals daily?

Most people that feel they aren’t succeeding could be in the wrong role or haven’t had the outside coaching support to help them hone their skills and prepare for whatever is coming next.

If you know you are meant to excel in your career, or you know people in your organization are set to excel, it is time to explore coaching.


The World Economic Forum Future of Jobs Report 2019 says that by 2022:


roles will be in decline


will need a new career path

Wow! That’s not 10 years in the future or even five years…that is pretty close to right NOW. AI/Machine Learning, this isn’t the stuff of sci-fi movies anymore, this is our reality.

If a machine can eventually do your job, how will you pivot to your next great role?


You have strengths and you know what they are, but does everyone else?

Are you effectively using your innate skills to propel yourself forward? As the pace of change continues to accelerate and industries continue to be disrupted, coaching is increasingly essential to developing your career.

Hiring a coach is the only surefire investment there is when it comes to your own personal growth. Prepare yourself for the changing climate and stay one step ahead.

Coaching holds you accountable and creates an environment that enables you to realize dreams through awareness and focus. Lower your stress, set goals and attain the lifestyle you want. I’m here to work with you human to human.